
Gardening in central Texas can be overwhelming since we have so many options when it comes to choosing plants here. Let me tell you this: if you walk into a nursery and expect every plant they carry to work for you and grow well in your garden, think again! Don't get me wrong, they will have some beautiful plants that work and flourish in our landscapes. They also have plants that look great and will sell super fast but will struggle in your garden and leave you feeling like you have a black thumb! 

My hope is that I can make this all easier for you. Many websites and books are available for gardening in Central Texas, but the problem I often run into is that some of the recommended plants are very hard to find. While other plants may be described beautifully, their performance can be disappointing. If I have experienced an issue with a plant, I'll explain the situation. I'll tell you if I do not like how a plant behaves in this area or if it is challenging to get. 

I've built this website so that it can be easily navigated and used as reference material. You can print a plant list to work from while planning your landscape or browse it for educational purposes. I have collected vast information over the years and will work hard to make it all available to you.

If you come across something that you believe should be on this site, I encourage you to reach out and share. Your input is invaluable in making this a comprehensive resource for gardeners and landscapers in our area. Together, we can build a community that supports and enhances our shared passion for gardening. 

While the information on this site is specifically tailored for Central Texas, it can also be applied to other areas with similar conditions. This reassurance is to ensure that the knowledge you gain here is not limited to our region, but can be adapted and used to enhance your gardening experiences wherever you are.


More Coming soon!