Xeriscape Design

Xeriscape pronunciation zir-ə-ˌskāp .This is a method of designing a landscape so that it needs as little water as possible.

A few things to consider when planning a Xeriscape.


Xeriscape installation costs can vary greatly. A small lot Xeriscape can cost anywhere from 6k to 100k. It depends on what you’re doing, what materials you're using, and whether you’re hiring a contractor or doing it yourself.


While Xeriscapes can take less time to maintain than a traditional landscape, you still have to deal with weeds, leaves, and plant care. The way a Xeriscape is designed can either make maintenance a breeze or a major headache!


The materials you use, whether inert or living, can make or break any landscape—especially a Xeriscape! It’s essential to have a well-thought-out plan in place.

What do you get when you work with Daydreams Consulting?

After your free consultation, we will work with you to create a detailed Xeriscape design. We use computer-generated 3D images of your space to help you visualize your new landscape. Once you decide on your new look, we finalize your 2D Xeriscape design. You will receive tailored information about your new plants and landscape in the design presentation. You will also have the option to add a contractor’s package. This package includes the design, specifications, and any additional notes you or your contractor may need. You can send this information to your contractor or have us send it for you. An open line of communication between the designer and contractor is extremely helpful! Additionally, the contractor’s package makes it easy for you to request multiple estimates for your project.

 We're also here to help with any paperwork needed to submit your design to your HOA.

Installing a Xeriscape is a great water-conscious decision. Xeriscapes conserve water, are visually appealing, and add value to your home! 

Ready to start planning your Xeriscape? Contact us for a consultation today!

Check out some different landscape styles and get inspired!