
Texas, TX, Sun City, Williamson County, Georgetown, Round Rock, Cedar Park, Landscape Design, Landscaping, Gardening, Garden, outdoors, plants, local, sustainable, shrubs, type of shrubs to grow in central Texas, type of shrubs to grow in the Austin area, Oleander

Nerium oleander

Size: 8-12' tall and wide

Lighting requirements: Full sun is best, but it will tolerate part sun

Seasonal interest: Blooms spring and summer

Winter: Evergreen in mild winters

Oleander is hardy to zones 8-10 and is toxic to humans and pets. They're drought tolerant and aren't heavy-feeders. Oleanders are evergreen in mild winters but may get frost damage during hard freezes. 

There are a few dwarf varieties, but they seem less cold-tolerant.

Dwarf Oleander

More info coming soon