Passion Vine

Passion Vine


Aka: Passion Flower and Maypop

Size: Up to 20 feet

Lighting requirements: Full to part sun

Seasonal interest: Blooms summer through Fall and produces edible fruit

Winter: Dies back

The Blue Passion Flower (Passiflora caerulea) is a semi-evergreen that produces flowers with white petals. 

The Purple Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) is a deciduous one that produces flowers with purple petals.

Both of the abovementioned do well here and can become a bit invasive, so keep an eye on them.

They are a host plant for the Gulf Fritillary, Variegated Fritillary, Mexican Fritillary, and the Zebra Longwing Butterflies. Please do not use pesticides on them. If you cannot stand it, then consider planting two. One for you and one for the butterflies. You can transfer the caterpillars from one vine to the other.

These flowers reminded Christian missionaries of the Passion of Christ, representing the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. 

The five sepals and five petals: the ten apostles present with Jesus during his passion (excluding Peter and Judas)

The three stigma: the three nails that held Jesus to the cross

The five anthers: the five wounds of Jesus (hands, feet, and side)

The filaments: the crown of thorns

The leaves with 3 points: the Holy Trinity

The vine: God’s attachment to the earth 

Fun idea: Float the flowers in a glass bowl at your next dinner party.