

By Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0,


Size: 3 to 4 feet tall and wide

Lighting requirements: Full to part sun

Seasonal interest: Blooms large clusters of blue flowers from late spring until frost

Winter: Dies back to the ground

Some people (me) love this plant, some do not! Let me explain about the not-so-uncommon love/hate debate. I get calls every spring from clients saying their Plumbago died and must be dug up. Here's the thing though, these plants just need their beauty sleep.  They will lie there in wait until everything around them gets going, then they show signs of life. Trust me, these little firecrackers are worth the wait!

I have discovered that they like a bit of azalea food from time to time. You could also just use cottonseed meal to lower the pH a bit in addition to a fertilizer with high phosphorus for the blooms.