Shade Gardening

Shade gardening is a challenge around here. The choices are more limited, and getting enough color can be difficult. I hope this list of plants and ideas helps.

Plants for Shade

Boxwoods (fungal warning)

Cast Iron Plants



Holly Fern


Japanese Aralea

Japanese Maple

Leopard Plant 



Maiden Ferns

Oak Leaf Hydrangeas


Pigeon Berry

Shrimp Plants

Split Leaf Philodendron

Sweet Potato Vine


Yaupon Hollies


Shade tips and tricks

Try to add some brightly colored foliage like the bright, green potato vine or variegated plants to bring the eye in and brighten the darker areas.

Reds seem to go more unnoticed in a shady area.

Pots can spice up an otherwise boring look.

Remember, in the shade, the soil stays moist for longer and can lead to root rot on some plants.

You can plant plants that want more sun if you place them accordingly so that they lean towards the sun.  This creates an interesting look. Care should be taken when making these selections, though.